Exposure to Respirable Particulate Matter and Pulmonary Function Status of Traffic Wardens in Two Selected Local Government Areas in South-Western Nigeria

Issue (Month/Year): (11 – 2020)
Publication Date: 30-11-2020
Subject: Environmental Health Education
Author’s Details: Ana, 2 G. R. E. E
Co-author’s Details: Olamijulo, J.O..


Traffic wardens have been reported to be at higher risk of respiratory impairment due to exposure to ambient emissions. This study determined the levels of suspended particulate matter at major road intersections and its effect on the pulmonary function of traffic wardens. A comparative study was conducted involving traffic wardens and regular policemen. Concentrations of particulate matter (PM10) were measured using personal respirable dust sampler model APM 801 within 30cm range of Traffic Wardens and regular Policemen nasal region. A calibrated spirometer was used to determine the Force Expiratory Volume in 1 second (FEV ) 1 and Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) of selected respondents. Analysis 3 was done at P <0.05. The mean concentration of 58.39± 2.22µg/m was reported in one of the locations. This location is one of the busiest traffic intersections in the study area. There was a significant difference between the observed FEV and PEFR of the traffic wardens as against the control 1 group. A significant negative correlation was observed between PM and 10 the actual FEV of traffic wardens (r= -0.5). Traffic wardens are highly Corresponding Author: Olamijulo, J.O., as above Keywords: Traffic Wardens, Particulate matter, Pulmonary function, Urban communities, Ibadan. Mots clés: Agents de la circulation, matières particulaires, fonction pulmonaire, communautés urbaines, Ibadan 1 vulnerable to respiratory impairment due to their exposure to particulate matter. The use of nose masks and regular health checkup is recommended


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