Traffic Congestion and Noise Pollution around Petrol Station in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Ibadan, Nigeria
Issue (Month/Year): (11 – 2015)
Publication Date: 30/11/2015
Subject: Pollution Control
Author’s Details: O.O. OJO
Co-author’s Details: G.R.E.E. Ana , F.O. Oshiname.
In Ibadan, Nigeria, as in other developing countries there were astronomical increase in the number of petrol stations in recent times and their poor locations had some inherent problems in Ibadan North Local Government Area. Some of which are traffic congestion and noise pollution around petrol stations. A cross sectional study design was adopted. Environmental monitoring of traffic density and noise pollution were carried out. A sound meter was used to determine noise levels around PS. Only 25% (14) of the total population of 58 petrol stations were used in this study. The mean vehicular traffic density was 464±84.9 vehicles per hour. Cars as a means of mobility had the highest mean density of 1348 per day followed by buses with 1182 vehicles per day during the 12 hour assessment period for one month. Noise monitoring study revealed a mean noise level of 92.4± 3.9 dBA which was higher than NGL standard of 90dBA for eight hours duration per day. Petrol stations were number one contributors to traffic congestion and noise pollution in Ibadan North LGA. Traffic density was lower compared to similar cities of the world. Noise level was higher than WHO/ FEPA standard of 90 dBA for eight hours duration per day